Threat Hunt with Artificial Intelligence

We offer a cyber threat hunting team that combines web, endpoint, application, and user behavior threat analysis, and a dynamic artificial intelligence solution to uncover cyber threat and attack the campaigns which were missed by the standard security surveillance mechanisms.
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Threat Hunt with Artificial Intelligence

We offer a cyber threat hunting team that combines web, endpoint, application, and user behavior threat analysis, and a dynamic artificial intelligence solution to uncover cyber threat and attack the campaigns which were missed by the standard security surveillance mechanisms.
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It allows you to uncover hidden risk focuses that went undetected by stable security preventive inspection mechanisms.

Threat web solution with artificial intelligence ensures you benefit from fully focused and efficient cyber threat detections by using advanced user behavior analysis.
  • User Behavior Analysis

    Threat hunt includes the tracking of user and contextual data to analyze user behavior abnormalities, insider threats, and frauds.

  • Web Threat Analysis

    It continually uses statistical algorithms to detect a new cyber threat and subsequently, machine information systems trigger, search, and respond to quickly stop the attack campaigns.

  • Endpoint Threat Analysis

    Artificial intelligence machine learning algorithms trigger every alert for suspicious activity, explore its span, and stop the attack with threat hunting tools.

Which Solution Partners Do We Work With?

Which Solution Partners Do We Work With?

Demisto Palo Alto
Rapid 7
Pulse Secure
Micro Focus